Twitter has an unofficial rule. It’s called the 80/20 rule. It means one in every five tweets can be about your work. It’s “unofficial” because tweeps (twitter people) will get upset about you talking about just your work.

Think of it like this, right now the big fad is selling stuff, home businesses, and posting images of a person’s kid. Wouldn’t it be annoying if your friend always talked about it and never said anything else? That’s what you are doing if you only promote your book.
It will also help boost you visually in other areas. You need to branch out to be more visible. If people follow you and see your post, they might even buy your book. They can’t do that if they don’t see your post.
Use hashtags on everything. There are many popular writer ones out there and more. Google them. I use #writing, #amwriting (when I’m writing), #amediting (when I’m editing), #funny, #inspiration, and etc.
I have a schedule I am starting to use. I started it on Monday.
Monday thru Friday:
8 AM: Tell Me Something Good (News about something great/good that has happened in the world)
10 AM: Something Funny
12 PM: Retweet
2 PM: Inspirational quote
4 PM: A link (Mine are most about writing tips or someones blog/website and etc)
6 PM: Something about my writing
I’m doing 1/6 but it works for me. It didn’t take me that long to set it up. 30 minutes to 1 hour. It took the longest for Tell Me Something Good. I’m still working out the kinks for some of the posts. I use HootSuite to schedule everything on Sunday. I suggest to up load pics instead of linking them.